Pantone’s Color Of The Year 2018: Ultra Violet

Every December, the color experts at Pantone choose a color to represent the spirit of the coming year.

This year it’s Ultra Violet 18-3838, a color that “communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking that points us toward the future”.

Just announced by Pantone, 2018 is officially the year of Ultra Violet.

“The Pantone Color of the Year has come to mean so much more than ‘what’s trending’ in the world of design; it’s truly a reflection of what’s needed in our world today.” – Laurie Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone Color Institute.

As people far and wide turn out to be more intrigued with color and understand its capacity to pass on profound messages and implications, planners and brands should feel enabled to utilize color to rouse and impact. The Color of the Year is one minute in time that gives vital heading to the universe of pattern and configuration, mirroring the Pantone Color Institute’s year-round work doing likewise for originators and brands.


On the runway or the streets, Ultra Violet is a charming purple that gives a dramatic linkage to the two men’s and ladies’ styles. Consistent with the coupled idea of Ultra Violet, made by consolidating red and blue, Ultra Violet fits one of a kind color mixes in form and is simpler to combine with all colors on the range than one may might suspect. With golds or different metallics, Ultra Violet winds up noticeably sumptuous and amazing; with greens or grays it brings out common style. Essentially, Ultra Violet goes up against unmistakable appearances with changed materials. Rich velvets in the color recommend interest for night, but at the same time are out of the blue present day in athleisure or tennis shoes. In embellishments, gems, and eyewear, Ultra Violet proposes the complexities of characteristic diamonds, surfaces, and florals.


In insides, Ultra Violet can change a room into one of phenomenal self-articulation, or on the other hand its clean can tone down a live with repressed, present day pairings. Including flavor and shine, Ultra Violet points out a tufted love seat, bit of workmanship, or emphasize divider. As a color that can take you in such huge numbers of headings, Ultra Violet creates an impression in any space, regardless of whether it’s one of custom and tastefulness or sudden strength. In accommodation, we are seeing purples like Ultra Violet become the dominant focal point in inside spaces as expansive and little inns bridle color and configuration to lure voyagers and remain applicable.


Pantone’s color is absolutely a “ultra” decision — and one not for contracting violets, that is without a doubt. Any individual who knows me knows I cherish a touch of marvelousness. So hopefully the world goes a little glitz in the coming year with a lot of ultra violet accents.

And keeping in mind that we’re contemplating 2018, I trust the New Year brings you a lot of colorful pleasures!

Color Formula & Guides


CMYK for PANTONE 18-3838 TCX simulation*: C M Y K
71 73 7  8


sRGB under D65 for PANTONE 18-3838 TCX simulation: R G B
95 75 139
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